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building Archives - Steel Fabrication Services


What is the Procedure for Working with Sheet Metal

Sheet metal is one of the most widely used materials in manufacturing and is formed by rolling metal into thin ‘sheets’ that are easy to process. Metal sheets are useful in metalworking as they can be cut, bent and shaped into many different forms that are essential for construction. Sheet…
April 6, 2019

What is Steel Drafting and Detailing?

Any structure built using steel relies heavily on the work of steel drafters and detailers, as their role has a direct impact on not just how that structure will look and function, but also how the steel itself is fabricated and installed. Here we take a closer look at what…
August 27, 2018

Why Builders Choose Steel Over Other Materials

Steel has never been more popular as it is today, and for good reason too. Regardless of whether you are building a shed, a house or a shopping centre, nothing compares to steel for all-around performance. Here is a brief look at some of the many reasons why builders choose steel…
August 13, 2018

What is Steel Fabrication?

Famous for its strength, versatility, quality and value, steel is one of the most widely used materials in construction; however, it simply wouldn’t be possible to enjoy those many benefits of steel without the work of fabricators. Here we will take a brief look at what steel fabrication is; some…
December 17, 2015