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computer-aided design

As technology advances, it seems appropriate to apply it in many different industries, in order to achieve increased efficiency. This is the case with computer-aided design (CAD) which has been adopted by many professional steel fabricators.

Computer-aided design can create a number of engineering and architectural issues which Steel Fabrication Services has resolved through their quality product and service deliverance. Find out more below.

What is CAD?

Computer-aided design is the use of computers to aid in the creation, modification, analysis, or optimisation of a design. Within the steel industry, CAD software is designed to increase the productivity of the designer, improve the quality of design, improve communications through documentation, and to create a database for manufacturing.

Problems related to CAD

With the introduction of Computer Aided Drafting packages the standard of providing workshop drawings are declining and causing a number of procedural, management and manufacturing problems.

How are we solving this issue? 

At Steel Fabrication Services, we believe that while there are multiple ways to cut steel, there is certainly more effective methods than others. Architectural and Engineering design issues are resolved by SFS using practical steel manufacturing and installation solutions utilising our practical trades experience that provides a strict adherence to ‘old school’ drawing, fabrication and management procedures. This enables Steel Fabrication Services to eliminate substandard Workshop Drawings which are flooding the market, causing escalating manufacturing costs and onsite installation problems.

Our services

As full-service Sydney based steel fabricators, we can provide a full range of steel detailing services in structural and miscellaneous steel. This includes: 

  • drafting 
  • fabrication 
  • surface treatment 
  • delivery and installation 

Passion that shines

Our old school approach to steel fabrication has proved to be one of our biggest differentiators in the Sydney steel market. Recently, it was an honour to be featured in the Australian National Construction Review which is a trusted source of information for many major construction companies, developers, investors, town planners, architects, engineers, building consultants, product suppliers, major subcontractors, building associations, and the Australian government. 

Contact us today!

If you are in need of quality custom steel, contact Steel Fabrication Services today. Our team of experienced and knowledgeable professionals will ensure that whatever you need will be fabricated to the highest standards, according to your specifications, and delivered when you want and need it.

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